14196 registered
10266 clicks today
1947241655 since 2008-07-12
Code of Conduct
Site Rules:
- Do not make multiple accounts. Only one per person is allowed.
- Wait for the page to fully load and follow through with any subsequent data entry so the person will receive the benefit of your click.
- If you use an adult link, you must have the 'Adult Content' box checked in your profile. This is for PSG only, no Pornography sites.
- Do not use any redirecting links, frames or headers.
- No proxies are allowed, however, changing your I.P. is fine.
- Attempting to Hack/Packet the server, abusing security holes or automate all browser related tasks with unique web automation software is forbidden.
- Profanity or flaming is not allowed anywhere on the site.
- Links to all 'Clicklists' are not allowed.
Rules & guidance for Dynasty short notes:
- Maximum allowed size in height of notes is based on rank in your dynasty. You can check that by clicking 'size check' button.
- Do not use set widths over 450px, use percentages if you have to.
- Do not post videos, flash animations, sounds or music in your short notes.
- Do not post excessively large images, excessively large means causing the site to lag.
- Do not post links (exception : links to SWLE forum).
- Only users with VIP flag can use html in their notes:
- a) If you decide to use html code in your note. It must be valid html, which you can check using 'html check' button.
- b) You can make part of your note to appear as pop-up. To achieve that use | symbol before pop-up part.
- Please note that regular forum/site rules apply, English only, clean images, clean language, no offensive, derogatory, flaming or rude short notes about other members & dynasties (implied or obvious).
- Users without VIP flag short note is limited to 100 characters
- Your notes may not affect other people notes.
Short notes that do not fulfil these rules will be fixed or deleted by staff members. In case of intended and/or continued abuse of these rules VIP status will be revoked and/or a ban given.
Forum Rules:
Click here to access the forum.
- Do not spam your link. Links on the forum must be posted to the 'Desperate Clickers' section
- Do not spam at all, your comments should make sense,and contribute to the community
- Do not make your avatar profane or offensive
- Do not attempt to make multiple accounts. They are prohibited.
- Do not flame. Flaming is absolutely forbidden!
- Be respectful and polite to your fellow posters.
Chat Rules:
Click here to access the chat.
- No flaming.
- No flooding.
- Be courteous to others.