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    10266 clicks today
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    Code of Conduct

    Site Rules:
    1. Do not make multiple accounts. Only one per person is allowed.
    2. Wait for the page to fully load and follow through with any subsequent data entry so the person will receive the benefit of your click.
    3. If you use an adult link, you must have the 'Adult Content' box checked in your profile. This is for PSG only, no Pornography sites.
    4. Do not use any redirecting links, frames or headers.
    5. No proxies are allowed, however, changing your I.P. is fine.
    6. Attempting to Hack/Packet the server, abusing security holes or automate all browser related tasks with unique web automation software is forbidden.
    7. Profanity or flaming is not allowed anywhere on the site.
    8. Links to all 'Clicklists' are not allowed.

    Rules & guidance for Dynasty short notes:
    1. Maximum allowed size in height of notes is based on rank in your dynasty. You can check that by clicking 'size check' button.
    2. Do not use set widths over 450px, use percentages if you have to.
    3. Do not post videos, flash animations, sounds or music in your short notes.
    4. Do not post excessively large images, excessively large means causing the site to lag.
    5. Do not post links (exception : links to SWLE forum).
    6. Only users with VIP flag can use html in their notes:
      - a) If you decide to use html code in your note. It must be valid html, which you can check using 'html check' button.
      - b) You can make part of your note to appear as pop-up. To achieve that use | symbol before pop-up part.
    7. Please note that regular forum/site rules apply, English only, clean images, clean language, no offensive, derogatory, flaming or rude short notes about other members & dynasties (implied or obvious).
    8. Users without VIP flag short note is limited to 100 characters
    9. Your notes may not affect other people notes.
    Short notes that do not fulfil these rules will be fixed or deleted by staff members. In case of intended and/or continued abuse of these rules VIP status will be revoked and/or a ban given.

    Forum Rules:
    Click here to access the forum.
    1. Do not spam your link. Links on the forum must be posted to the 'Desperate Clickers' section
    2. Do not spam at all, your comments should make sense,and contribute to the community
    3. Do not make your avatar profane or offensive
    4. Do not attempt to make multiple accounts. They are prohibited.
    5. Do not flame. Flaming is absolutely forbidden!
    6. Be respectful and polite to your fellow posters.

    Chat Rules:
    Click here to access the chat.
    1. No flaming.
    2. No flooding.
    3. Be courteous to others.

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